We, as women from Northern and Eastern Syria and Rojava, send warm greetings in the name of the women’s movement, in the name of Kongra Star of the Qamishlo Canton, to the resistance of the women of Brazil, who are in the streets marching and taking action. Today Hundreds of Thousands of women of Brazil are today out in the streets. Against the occupation, against isolation, against attacks, they went out to fight. From here to there, we send warm greetings to you. We are supporting you!
We support your actions and your protests. Your protests against violence and against the attacks that are being made against you. We condemn and we will never accept the power and oppression which is marched over society and especially over women. Wherever there is the work and struggles of women, we support this. As women we will always defend our name! We will always stand in solidarity with each other! We take each other by the hand and we will never let it happen that the rights of women, the will of the women and the identity of the women would get lost.
Wherever it is, today again the base and the freedom of society lays again in the hands of the women. Who leads and organizes the society is the woman. Again we greet you from here to there. How we as women today here are working and fighting and reached such achievements like in Rojava, like in Northern and Eastern Syria. This was reached through the struggle of women, with the strength of women, will the will of women. We hug you from here with all this women’s power. We want this experiences that we gained here, to be shared with all women around the world and in the Middle East, everywhere.
How today your hearts are beating there, during your actions, in the same way our hearts here beat with you. Maybe there is a lot of distance between us, but our mind, our thoughts and our hearts are with you. We take strength from each other. We will be always on our feet. With the struggle of women and the freedom of women we will lead our own lives, we will organize ourselves. We will always deepen our level of organisation and of education. And once more we greet your actions and we give our word, that as women we will be on our feet against this occupation marched over the society and especially over the women. Because this system of domination wants to destroy the rights of women, today as women we are on the streets to say: I exist, I show my own will, I am strong and powerful! We gained our identity the force of our will!
Kongra Star (Qamishlo Canton)