In the night of June 14, the fascist Turkish state and occupier attacked the Shengal region, the refugee camp in Maxmur and the Medya defence areas with its air forces.
We as Kongra Star strongly condemn these cruel and inhuman attacks on our people and our regions. The Turkish state is still trying to maintain its existence by attacking the Kurdish people. This attack is the result of the fear of the fascist state, its fear of the Kurdish people and Kurdish women.
These attacks will never silence or intimidate us because we are a rebellious people. Our resistance means our existence and is legitimate. These cruel attacks weaken the fascist Turkish state. However, we are becoming even stronger with our resistance. With every attack we strengthen our anger against fascism and the murderous mentality.
The Ottoman Empire carried out the Seyfo genocide of the Assyrian, Chaldean and Aramaic peoples in 1915. Millions of people fell victim to Ottoman fascism. Until today the fascist Turkish state continues this brutality. He pursues a policy of denial and destruction against the resistant and freedom-loving people and attacks our region.
These attacks of the fascist and murderous state violate all humanist principles and international law. Currently, these attacks are taking place in Iraq, in South Kurdistan. Through these, great wounds were inflicted on nature and society. In view of these attacks by the Turkish state, the shameful statements of the Baghdad government are not enough.
The Iraqi government, the regional government of Kurdistan and especially the Kurdistan Regional Parliament of Kurdistan must face up to their moral responsibility. Such attacks should not be allowed. At the same time, the Iraqi people must not accept this aggression, they must take a stand. The culture of the resistant people in Southern Kurdistan is a dignified one. The society in South Kurdistan must stand by its country, its life and its culture. The unprecedented struggle is characterized by the vanguard of women.
Those who do not accept this betrayal and attack must raise their voice and take a stand. These attacks took place in the course of efforts to achieve a process of national unity. They want to stop these attempts to unite the Kurds. The will of the Kurdish people and Kurdish women is expressed in the national unity and a democratic nation. The enemies of the Kurdish people are aware of this fact, therefore they do not want this unity to come about.
We know very well that with a lot of effort and work we have achieved great things until today. These values and the work of everyone, especially the women in South Kurdistan, women’s organisations and institutions, must be preserved. They must stand by these values and thus take a stand against occupation, genocide, rape and brutal attacks. This occupation and betrayal is mainly carried out against us women. In the face of betrayal, the voice of women must be raised.
The Turkish state is attacking (Rojava) West Kurdistan with the aim of stifle the voice of the revolution. With the aim of demographic change, the people in the areas occupied by the fascist state should be displaced by sending jihadist gangs there and committing war crimes every day. Kidnapping, rape, murder, arrest, targeted kidnapping of women, children and young people are all war crimes. But the international community has remained silent to this day and that silence makes you think.
The silence of the international organisations is the reason for the strengthening of the fascism of the Turkish state and its threats all over the world. So their murderous actions continue. We see this for example in the attacks on the politicians and the whole population of North Kurdistan and in the brutal attacks on the graves and bodies of our martyrs. But the Kurdish people are not alone. Therefore, we send our greetings and love to the friends of the Kurdish people who take a dignified attitude against the fascist Turkish state and make the attacks public. These attitudes and actions expose war crimes and draw attention to the daily attacks. Furthermore, these actions of our friends are also a greeting to the resistance of women.
Finally, we reiterate our condemnation of these atrocities and call on the international community to assume its responsibility. Stop these attacks!
We call on our struggle, with the women and youth as vanguard, to strengthen and defeat fascism and occupation.
Bimre dagirkerî u xiyanet – Down with the occupiers and betrayal!
Bijî têkoşîna jinan – Long live the struggle of women!
Bijî yekîtiya gelê kurd – Long live the unity of the Kurdish people!
Konga-Star Coordination, 16/06/2020