[Video 1] On the path of revolutionary women: Şehîd Zehra, Hebûn and Emîne – Triple femicide in Kobane

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Thousands of women are killed every week. Millions face male violence every day. We are all targeted by the patriarchal mindset. And we are not going to stand still in the face of it – we are ready to defend ourselves and end femicide and the patriarchal mindset once and for all.

In memory of our three friends who were murdered in a targeted drone attack of the fascist Turkish state on June 23 in Helincê, Kobane, we publish this series of interviews. We talked with their families to set a light on their lives, their struggles and personalities. As revolutionary and organised women, they dedicated their whole lives to the struggle for women’s liberation. With its fascist policy, the Turkish state has targeted them in an attempt to destroy the women’s revolution. But the murder of our comrades will not go unpunished, and this strengthens our organisation even more. With resistance we will defend ourselves! Organised we will stop Femicide! We will continue the path of our comrades and revolutionary women!

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