We see that all around the world the violence against women is increasing and find its extremist expression in the form of femicide. Especially women who fight for freedom, for a world without patriarchy and without war, who defend their land and society and who are at the forefront of these struggles, are target for the states.
With the current signature campaign started by the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) the aim is to collect 100.000 signatures for 100 reasons to oppose the dictator Erdoğan and his mercenaries in their use law, military and the police for violence and injustice as well as to shed a light on the systematization of the killing of women activists by states — especially by the Turkish state.
The call for the signature campaign states: “As women, we do not only condemn these crimes with the help of the evidence we collected. We also condemn them with our form, consciousness, stance and claims. We do not want Erdoğan to be like others, who were always seen as ‘state leaders’, and as ‘dictators’ only after their war crimes have been exposed or after they have died. We want him to be prosecuted now. Our list of Erdoğan’s crimes is long enough and we do not want it to get even bigger.
In the first phase of our campaign, in the 104 days that pass between 25 November 2020 and 8 March 2021, we will give another “reason” every day, by sharing the stories of women, who were murdered by the state. Against the dictator, who manages to commit new massacres every day, we will tell you about the women, who have been murdered. We want them to enter the pages of history and the memory of humanity forever.”
We think that in the face of these attacks, the need for resistance and self-defence by women around the world is becoming more clear. Let us strengthen our common struggle!
SIGN the campaign here: