A message of solidarity for the resistance in Rojava came from Galicia regarding March 8.
Dear comrades:
From Galicia we want to salute, on the occasion of this 8M, the Women’s Revolution. We are “As Furias” (The Furies), a radical feminist organisation from the city of Vigo. From these lands we follow your work and we make every effort to give you a voice. In our journey we have carried out events to vindicate your struggle. We deeply admire the society you are building: where it is guaranteed that women have a presence in all spheres; where you have tools to stop patriarchal violence; where projects of different kinds are promoted to guarantee equal opportunities; where you have university studies in Jineolî (women’s science); where you have a firm stance against the exploitation of women’s bodies… You are an example for all of us.
Despite the amount of progress that we celebrate within the Rojava Revolution, we do not forget, and we show our firm condemnation, to the continuous attacks that you suffer from the patriarchal forces. We know how the opponents of democratic confederalism have as their main objective to attack the women’s movement, which is the heart and engine of your society.
Just as it happens in those lands, here, the women’s movements also live the experience of the continuous attacks of the patriarchy pretending to devalue our struggle. The patriarchal mentality, camouflaged in the garb of postmodernism, has intoxicated feminism with slavery sold as free choice. In Europe, poor women sell eggs or “rent their wombs”, risking their lives and their health to earn a little money. In the middle of 2024 they still pretend to debate that paid rape can be a job, because leaving our bodies to the will of the patriarchy is freedom. We face chilling figures of violence, as multiple cases of gang rape and femicide have come to light in recent months. We continue to face the intrusion of men into feminism, because of the destruction of the political subject of our struggle, human females. On the labour level, we continue to face enormous disadvantages compared to men. These and many other things lead us to take to the streets this 8M with all our strength.
So, this 8th of March, the women of the Feminist Association As Furias, are going to take to the streets to shout to the world and above all to the politicians who are to blame for this situation, that we working class women want dignified lives and not to survive in prostitution, nor selling eggs, nor daughters, and that our women-only spaces have to be safe again.
We will remember you in our speeches as well. We will shout for you in our city of Vigo and we will spread as much as we can the work you have done. We are on this path together.
Greetings comrades.
Queridas compañeiras:
Dende Galiza queremos saudar, co galo deste 8M, á Revolución das Mulleres. Somos As Furias, unha organización feminista radical da cidade de Vigo. Dende estas terras seguimos o voso traballo e facemos todos os esforzos posibles por darvos voz. No noso percorrido temos realizado eventos reivindicativos da vosa loita. Admiramos profundamente a sociedade que estades a construír: onde garantizar que a muller teña presenza en tódalas esferas; onde tendes ferramentas para frear a violencia patriarcal; onde se impulsan proxectos de diversa índole para garantir a igualdade de oportunidades; onde contades con estudos universitarios de Jineolî (ciencia da muller); onde tendes unha firme postura contra a explotación do corpo da muller… Sodes un exemplo para todas nós.
Maila cantidade de progreso que celebramos dentro da Revolución de Rojava, non esquecemos, e amosamos a nosa firme sentenza, aos ataques continuos que sufrides por parte das forzas patriarcais. Somos coñecedoras de como os opositores ao confederalismo democrático teñen como obxectivo principal o ataque ó movemento de mulleres, que é o corazón e motor da vosa sociedade.
Tal e como acontece nesas terras, aquí, os movementos de mulleres, tamén vivimos a experiencia dos continuos ataques do patriarcado pretendendo desvirtualizar a nosa loita. A mentalizade patriarcal, camuflada entre as roupas da posmodernidade, intoxicou ó feminismo de escravitude vendida como libre escolla. En Europa as mulleres pobres venden óvulos ou “alugan os seus ventres”, arriscando a súa vida e a súa saúde para gañar uns poucos cartos. En pleno 2024 aínda pretenden debater que unha violación pagada pode ser un traballo, porque deixar o noso corpo á vontade do patriarcado, é liberdade. Enfrontámonos a unhas arrepiantes cifras de violencia, sendo que nos últimos meses saíron á luz múltiples casos de violacións grupais e feminicidios. Continuamos a ter que enfrontarnos á intromisión de homes dentro do feminismo, por mor da destrución do suxeito político da nosa loita, as femias humanas. A nivel laboral, continuamos a enfrontarnos a enormes desvantaxes fronte os homes. Estas e moitas cousas máis, lévannos a pisar ás rúas este 8M con toda a nosa forza.
Así que, este 8 de marzo, as mulleres da Asociación Feminista As Furias, imos a saír á rúa para
berrarlle ao mundo e sobre todo aos políticos culpables de que teñamos esta situación, que as
mulleres obreiras queremos vidas dignas e non sobrevivir na prostitución, nin vendendo
óvulos, nin fillas, e que os nosos espazos soamente de mulleres teñen que volver a ser seguros.
Acordarémonos de vos no noso discurso tamén. Berraremos por vós na nosa cidade de Vigo e
difundiremos todo o que poidamos o traballo que tendes feito. Estamos xuntas neste camiño.
Saúdos compañeiras.