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24th of October 2024 – 13:23

+++ Message from Abdullah Öcalan after 43 month of isolation +++

After a visit of Ömer Öcalan (DEM Party), nephew of Abdullah Öcalan after 43 months of total isolation he delivered a message to the public – shared via ANF News:

Ömer Öcalan wrote: “This visit was held as part of a family meeting. Mr. Öcalan commented on general political developments during the meeting and asked for the following message to be conveyed to the public: ‘Isolation continues. If conditions are right, I have the theoretical and practical power to move this process from a ground of conflict and violence to a legal and political ground.’ He was in good health and sent greetings to everyone.”


24th of October 2024 – 12:56

+++ Statement by SDF Press +++

In a statement of the Syrian Democratic Forces the attacks are summarizes as following:

“Over the past hours, the Turkish occupation state launched a new wave of attacks on North and Eastern Syria Region, targeting civilian infrastructure, people gatherings, and security forces. These attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 12 civilians, including two children,(eight in Derik and four in Tal Rifa’at in Al-Shahba’a areas), and injuries to 25 others, including serious injuries.

In addition to populated areas, Turkish warplanes and UAVs targeted bakeries, power stations, oil facilities, and Internal Security Force checkpoints. These essential civic facilities were among the 42 civic sites struck by Turkish artillery shelling.

This repeated barbaric aggression demonstrates Turkey’s hostility towards our people in North and Eastern Syria. It is a stark reminder of the threat posed by Turkey’s criminal mentality to the region’s peace and stability. Turkey is attempting to export its internal crises at the expense of our people, sowing chaos and escalating tensions.

Our Syrian Democratic Forces SDF, once again facing Turkish aggression, will not hesitate to fulfill their duty to protect our people and our regions.

SDF Media Center / October 24, 2024″


24th of October 2024 – 12:49

+++ Images of attacks on infrastructure +++


24th of October 2024 – 12:37

+++ Attacks since early morning +++

The Turkish air and artillery strikes on civilian infrastructure in Rojava continue. Since the early morning hours the Turkish military carried out airstrikes on

– Kobane // city center
– Amude // Bakery targeted and destroyed
– Qamishlo // Train station in the Assyrian/Christian neighbourhood)
– Rimelan // 3 airstrikes / one of the airstrikes targeted the electricity power station, Rimelan is now without electricity
– Al Shahba // heavy artillery strikes on the rural areas Numbers of civilian casualties are rising.

Numbers of wounded civilians are rising dramatically!


24th of October 2024 – 10:47

+++ Attacks of last night on Tal Rifaat +++

Last night the Turkish military massacred civilians in Tal Rifaat while proclaiming that they are targeting “Military Targets”!
Names of the dead and wounded:

Ibrahim Muhammed Seyho (55)
Melek Siar (5)

Ahmed Rifia (15)
Cemila Xelil Waqas (32)
The mother of the martyred melek Sakina Muhammed Ismail (55) wife of the martyred Ibrahim Seyho
Turkey claims they are targeting military structures: How are children as young as 5 military targets?


24th of October 2024 – 10:30

+++ Last night: New wave of Turkish attacks on NES/Rojava +++

During the night the Turkish state started a new wave of attacks on North and East Syria! The targets of the attacks to date have included civilians. At least 12 people have been killed so far! Critical infrastructure such as a bakery, a hospital and energy plantations have also been attacked and people have been killed.


16th of October 2023 – 22:20

+++ Internationalist Detained In Turkey Deported To Their Home Countries +++

On Thursday 12th of October, 15 internationalists from different european countries were detained in Turkey. They came to attend the congress of the Green Left Party (YSK) in Turkey/Northern Kurdistan on the 15th of October, on thursday they took part in a declaration by HDP, BDP and Green Left Party to condemn the intense attacks in Rojava by Turkey on the last days. After getting deported to their home countries they gave a public statement. They reported physical and psychological violence by the Turkish authorities during their arrest and again accused the turkish fascist state of daily repression against political opossition and against the attacks in Rojava – NES. Finally they called on the population and democratic forces to take a position and action against the fascist regime of turkey.


16th of October 2023 – 21:55

+++ Child Got Injured By Turkish Artillery Fire +++

The occupying Turkish state shelled a village in Şerawa, as a result a child was injured.


16th of October 2023 – 21:30

+++ Turkish Artillery Fire Continues On Afrin +++

The turkish occupation army is continuing their artillery fire on the canton of Afrin. It has been reported that the villages of Tunibê have been shelled. As a result some homes have been damaged.


16th of October 2023 – 17:25

+++ Ongoing Artillery Attacks On Villages +++

The turkish occupation army is shelling the villages of Soxanek and the sorrounding area of Beni in Şêrewa district.


10th of October 2023 – 22:02

+++ Turkish Army is bombing countryside of Shara-Sherawa and Sheba +++

The Turkish Forces are bombing the villages of Aqiba and Binah in Sherawa district and Maranaz in Shara-Afrin.

Also the village Til Cican in Sheba is getting bombed.


10th of October 2023 – 17:05

+++ SDF Publishs Report On Damage By Turkish Attacks On 9th Of October +++

The SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) Media Center released a report on the attacks by Turkish occupation army for yesterday 9th of October.


10th of October 2023 – 16:29

+++ Intensive Shelling of Ain Isa countryside +++

Intensive shelling with tanks and mortars by Turkish occupation army and their jihadist gangs in the countryside of Ain Isa.


10th of October 2023 – 15:50

+++ Villages West Of Ain Isa Get Bombed +++

Turkish Occupation Army is shelling villages in the west of Ain Isa.


10th of October 2023 – 15:37

+++ Total Number Of Sites Bombed In Last 5 Days Reached More Than 200 +++

In the last 5 days the Turkish occupation Army targeted more then 200 sites in Rojava, with the majority beeing critical infrastructure. The Turkish bombing is solely aimed at harming the civilian population in North and East Syria.


10th of October 2023 – 15:12

+++ SDF Eliminated 4 Soliders Of Turkish Occupation Army +++

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that in an action carried out yesterday they eliminated 4 soliders of Turkish occupation army and injured 5 in response to the intense bombing of Rojava by Turkey in the last days.


10th of October 2023 – 14:55

+++ Identity Of All 29 Martyrs Of Anti-Drug Force Published +++

The identity of all 29 members of the Anti-Drug Force (Internal security forces) were shared with the public.


10th of October 2023 – 11:25

+++ YPJ Commander Speaking In Austrian Parliament On Current Attacks Against Rojava +++

The YPJ Commander Nesrin Abdullah right now speaking in the Austrian parliament via video stream about the current attacks by the Turkish Occupation Army on Rojava and the immense damage on the critical infrastructure that resulted from this attacks.


10th of October 2023 – 09:54

+++ Turkish Occupiers And Their Gangs Attacking Til Temir +++

Shelling of villages in Til Temir area by Turkey and their islamist gangs.


10th of October 2023 – 08:19

+++ 5th Year Of Occupation Of Serekaniye And Gire Spi By Turkey +++

The occupation of Serekaniye and Gire Spi by the Turkish occupation army is entering the 5th year. On the 9th of October 2019 Turkey with support of NATO heavily bombed Rojava and started a ground invasion against Serekaniye and Gire Spi. Hundred thousands of civilians got injured and displaced and many fighters martyred. YPG spokesperson Nuri Mehmud declared in an interview the aim of the YPG/YPJ to take back all this occupied areas from Turkey and their Islamist gangs.


9th of October 2023 – 23:08

+++ Bombing Of 2 Villages In Sherewa Countryside +++

Two villages in Sherewa countryside got bombed by Turkish occupation army.


9th of October 2023 – 22:18

+++ Attacks On Villages Of Shehba And Efrin +++

Turkish occupation army targeted villages in Shehba and Efrin. Turkish UAV’s continue to hover over the area.


9th of October 2023 – 22:08

+++ Ronahi TV Reporting Intense UAV Movement Over Rojava +++

Rojava based Ronahi TV channel reporing intense UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) movement over Rojava.


9th of October 2023 – 21:01

+++ Bombing Of Dirdara Village In Til Temir +++

Turkish shelling of Dirdara village in Til Temir is reported.


9th of October 2023 – 18:17

+++ Bombing Of Water Tank And Wheat Silo In Ain Isa +++

In Turkish bombing on Ain Isa a water tank and a wheat silo were damaged.


9th of October 2023 – 16:45

+++ Turkish Occupation Army Killed Two Children In Ain Isa +++

The Turkish occupation armies attack on Ain Isa resulted in the killing of two children (9 and 10 years old).


9th of October 2023 – 15:26

+++ 29 members of internal security forces martyred and 28 wounded +++

The Turkish bombing in the night resulted in the martyrdom of 29 members of the Anti-Drug force (part of internal security forces) and 28 injured. The AANES declared three days of mourning.


9th of October 2023 – 11:28

+++ Five women working in cotton field got bombed +++

Five women working in cotton fields in Zirgan (Bişeriye village) got injured by Turkish bombing.


9th of October 2023 – 08:12

+++The Occupying Turkish State Bombed Location Related To Internal Security Forces +++

The the night the Turkish Occupation Forces bombed a location related to Internal Security Forces. Several martyrs and injured are reported.


+++Our Newsticker Is Back Online Covering The Current Attack By Turkey Against Rojava+++

On the 5th of October 2023 the Turkish occupation army started a new wave of heavy bombings and attacks against Rojava deliberately targeting the infrastructure (electricity, water, oil etc.).


8th of January 2023 – 19:00

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The Countryside Of Til Temir+++

The Assyrian villages of Tawîle and Til Tawîl in the west of Til Temir district of Heseké canton are being shelled by the Turkish state and its mercenaries.


7th of January 2023 – 18:10

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling The Şerawa Forest+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the forest of Soxaneke village in Şerawa district of Afrin canton.


6th of January 2023 – 15:10

+++The Villages Of Seyda And Xalidiyê And The M4 Road Are shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the villages of Seyda and Khalidiye and the M4 road with heavy weapons.


6th of January 2023 – 13:13

+++The Villages Of Soxaneke And Benê In Şerawa Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Benê in Şerawa and a suicide drone targeted the village of Soxaneke. So far, the occupying Turkish state has fired 30 artillery shells into the village of Bênê.


4th of January 2023 – 15:40

+++The Village Of Gezeliye Is Being Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling Gozeliyê village in Til Temir district with mortars.


4th of January 2023 14:48

+++Unmanned Aircraft Of The Occupying Turkish State Army Attacked A Village In Hesekeh+++

The SDF announced that yesterday at 15:25 an unmanned aircraft of the occupying Turkish state targeted a house of the citizens in the village of Til Tewil in Heseke. The SDF stated that as a result of this attack, 2 of their fighters were injured.


3rd of January 2023 12:42

+++​​​​​​​​The Occupying Turkish Army Is Shelling The Surroundings Of Til Rifet+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the Til Rifet district of Şehba district.


2nd of January 2023 21:40

+++​​​​​​​​The Turkish State Is Shelling The East Of Ayn Isa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Seyda and the M4 road in the east of Eyn Issa district.


2nd of January 2023 17:31

+++​​​​​​​​A Turkish State’s Drone Bombed A Village In Til Temir+++

A small unmanned aircraft belonging to the occupying Turkish state bombed the village of Uca in Til Temir district. As a result, there was material damage.


2nd of January 2023 13:00

+++The Invading Army Is Attacking The West Of Ein Isa+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the western part of Ein Isa district. According to reports, the western part of the district, which is filled with civilians, is being shelled by artillery.


1st of January 2023 16:50

+++A village Of Shera Was Shelled: Some Soldiers Of The Syrian Regime Were Injured+++

6 members of the Damascus government forces were injured in the shelling of the occupying Turkish army in the village of Elqemiyê in the Shera district of the occupied Afrin. According to the information received from the region, the occupying Turkish army shelled a point of Syrian regime forces in the village of Elqemiyeh in the Shera district of the occupied Afrin.


1st of January 2023 15:56

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling The Village Of Bên+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling Bênê village in Şerawa district of Afrin canton.


1st of January 2023 13:41

+++A Village in Şerawa Is Shelled+++

The invading Turkish army shelled the village of Xirêbke in the Şerawa district of the Afrin canton.


1st of January 2023 09:00

+++The Occupyer Shelled The M4 Road And Seyda Village+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries shelled the M4 road and the village of Seyda in the eastern part of Eyn Isa district with heavy weapons.


31th of December 2022 10:33

+++Til Rifat Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling Til Rifet district of Şehba canton.


29th of December 2022 22:00

+++Summary Of Attacks On 29th Of December+++

The cells of the ISIS gangs attacked a car of the Internal Security Forces in the town of Cidêdat in Raqqa.

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the surroundings of the base of the Russian forces in the village of Wehşiyê.

The Turkish government is shelling the countryside of Shehba, 2 villages and the Shehba Dam.


28th of December 2022 15:50

+++The Village Of Dibis And The M4 Road Are shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are currently shelling the village of Dibis and the M4 road of Eyn Issa.


27th of December 2022 20:53

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling The Countryside Of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Esadiye and Misherfe in the north of Til Temir district with mortars.


27th of December 2022 12:49

+++The Village Of Um Hermele Is Heavily Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are heavily shelling the village of Um Hermele, which is located in the north of Zirgan district, near Hesekê canton.


26th of December 2022 23:06

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling A Village In Şerawa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Bênê in the Şerawa district of the occupied Afrin canton.


26th of December 2022 14:30

+++ISIS Attacks Headquarters Of Internal Security Forces In Raqqa+++

A cell of ISIS gangs carried out an armed attack on the headquarters of the Internal Security Forces in the neighborhood of Diriya, near the National Hospital in the northwest of Raqqa city. Six members of the security forces were martyred in the ISIS attack.


25th of December 2022 15:20

+++A Child Was Martyred In The Attack On Shera And 2 Others Were Injured+++

The occupying Turkish army heavily shelled the village of Tinibe in the Shera district of Afrin canton. As a result, the child named Eseed Mihamid (16) was martyred and Khalid Sheikh Taha (16) and Ahmed Muhammad (18) were injured.


25th of December 2022 13:11

+++2 villages Of Zirgan Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is attacking Zerê village west of Girê Spî and Cilxilo village west of Kobanê city with heavy weapons.


25th of December 2022 12:31

+++The Turkish Army Shelled 2 Villages+++

The occupying Turkish army is attacking Zerê village west of Girê Spî and Cilxilo village west of Kobanê city with heavy weapons.


25th of December 2022 11:14

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling A Village In Şerawa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Bênê in the Şerawa district of the occupied Afrin canton.


25th of December 2022 08:45

+++The Turkish Army Shelled The Village Of Gozeliyê+++

The occupying Turkish state army shelled Gozeliyê village of Til Temir district of Heseké canton at 01:00.


24th of December 2022 20:53

+++Drones Of The Turkish State Bombarded The Villages Of Tirbespiyê+++

The occupying Turkish state targeted the villages of Girê Siwêr, Girê Pirê and Tiweyël in the city of Tirbespiyê with drones, injuring 3 civilian women and 1 child.


24th of December 2022 20:05

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til El Leben in the district of Til Temir in the canton of Hesek with heavy weapons.


24th of December 2022 18:44

+++The Village Of Ben Is Being Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Bênê in the Şerawa district of the occupied Afrin canton.


24th of December 2022 17:46

+++Seyda And Ein Isa Camp Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Seyda and the Eyn Isa camp of Eyn Isa with heavy weapons, and two drones of the occupying Turkish state are searching the skies of the area.


24th of December 2022 17:17

+++The Turkish Army Is Attacking 2 Villages In Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Qeremox and Cishan in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons. At the same time, its reconnaissance planes are flying over the area.


24th of December 2022 13:40

+++Two Villages West Of Kobanê Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the villages of Ziyaretê and Çelixlo in the western countryside of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


24th of December 2022 13:25

+++Beluniye And Sheikh Isa Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the villages of Beluniye and Sheikha Isa in the canton of Şehba.


24th of December 2022 12:27

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling The Village Of Gozeliyê In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê in the south of Til Temir district near Hesekê canton.


23th of December 2022 21:42

+++​​​​​​​The Turkish Army Is Shelling The Village Of Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Khalidiye and Hiwêce in the east of Eyn Isa district with mortars.


23th of December 2022 20:21

+++​​​​​​​Attack Against The East And West Of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Şiyûx Jorîn, Zormixar, Qeremox, Çeşan in the east and west of Kobanê.


23th of December 2022 19:30

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling A Village West Of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til El Leben in the west of Til Temir district of Heseké canton with heavy weapons.


23th of December 2022 14:39

+++Armed Attack Against The Kurdish Association In Paris: 2 People Lost Their Lives UPDATE+++

An armed attack was carried out at the Kurdish Cultural Center in Paris, the capital of France. It was reported that at least 3 people lost their lives and many people were injured.


22th of December 2022 18:33

+++The Villages Of Shehba Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is heavily shelling the villages of Şêx Isa, Til Cîcan, Zîwan, Til Mediq and the Şehba dam.


22th of December 2022 13:18

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Gozeliyê Of Til Temir+++

At this moment, the occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê in Til Temir with artillery shells.


21th of December 2022 22:30

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling Til El Leben village in Til Temir district with mortars.


21th of December 2022 – 14:16

+++The Village Of Seyda And The M4 Road Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the village of Seyda and the M4 road in Eyn Issa.


21th of December 2022 – 09:32

+++A Village West Of Til Temir Is Shelled+++

The village of Gozeliyê in the west of Til Temir district of Hesekê is being shelled by the occupying Turkish army with heavy weapons.


20th of December 2022 – 23:19

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling The East And West Of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Cêshan, Koran, Carxili, Ziyaret, Seftik in the east of Kobanê with artillery and the villages of Zormixar, Şiyûx Jorîn in the west of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


19th of December 2022 – 22:50

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Cêshan, Koran, Carxili, Ziyaret, Seftik in the east of Kobanê with artillery and the villages of Zormixar, Şiyûx Jorîn in the west of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


19th of December 2022 – 19:07

+++Attack Against A Village West Of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the positions of the Damascus government forces in the village of Çarkhili, west of Kobanê, with heavy weapons.


19th of December 2022 – 15:42

+++The Invaders Shelled 2 Villages In Minbic+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries shelled the villages of Mihsenli and Cerad in the north of Minbic city with howitzers at 13:35.


19th of December 2022 – 12:02

+++The Invaders Once Again Attack The Village of Tawila+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently attacking the village of Tawila in the Til Temir district of Hesekê canton.


19th of December 2022 – 09:42

+++Tawila Village Of Til Temir Was Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish state shelled the village of Tawila in the west of Til Temir district last night around 00:45 with howitzers.


17th of December 2022 – 18:58

+++SDF: The Turkish State Has Carried Out Another Massacre Against Civilians+++

SDF reported that the occupying Turkish state carried out another massacre against civilians in the village of Kobanê, as a result of which 3 citizens were martyred, including a child.

The press statement:

“The occupying Turkish state continues to carry out anti-human massacres against the people of the region. By targeting civilians and the infrastructure of the region, it is trying to break the will of our people and carry out its occupation projects against the region. The occupying Turkish state committed another crime at 13:30 in the village of Reqas in the Çelebi district of Kobanê when an unmanned aircraft of the occupying Turkish state targeted a civilian group and as a result, 3 citizens were martyred, including a child named Weysi Muhammad Weysi (12 years). With that, the number of civilians who were martyred in the attacks of the occupying Turkish state within one month became 16.”


17th of December 2022 – 18:58

+++An Attack Against A Village In Sherawa District+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Meyasê in the Sherawa district of the Efrîn region.


17th of December 2022 – 17:44

+++The Invading Turkish State Is Shelling The Countryside Of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Şêx Ali and Gozeliyê in Til Temir district with mortars.


17th of December 2022 – 13:18

+++The Invading Army Attacks The Villages Of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Gozeliyê and Şêx Ali in the north of Til Temir with heavy weapons.


17th of December 2022 – 09:08

+++Two Villages Of Shehbay Were Shelled+++

Last night, the occupying Turkish army shelled the villages of Hirbil and Um Hoş in the canton of Şehba. Both villages were shelled with heavy weapons.


16th of December 2022 – 22:21

+++​​​​​​​The Turkish Army Is Attacking a Village In Shehba+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Şêx Isa in Shehba canton with mortars.


16th of December 2022 – 21:15

+++​​​​​​​The Occupying Forces Expanded Their Attacks On Eyn Isa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries continue their attacks on the village of Seyda and the M4 road in Eyn Isa. At this moment, the village of Xalidiyeh and the old Eyn Isa camp are also under shelling.


16th of December 2022 – 20:38

+++The M4 Road, the Villages of Seyda And Tewila Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the M4 road, the village of Seyda in the eastern part of Eyn Isa district, and the village of Tawila in the Til Temir district of Hesekê canton.


16th of December 2022 – 18:27

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Villages in Kobanê And Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Çarqili and in the west of Kobanê canton, and Til Leben, west of Til Temir.


16th of December 2022 – 15:05

+++The Village of Solan in Kobanê Is Being Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Solan in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


15th of December 2022 – 16:28

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling The Countryside Of Kobanê+++

The invading Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Zormixar, Şiyûx, Çarxili, and Celxelo in the west of Kobanê.


15th of December 2022 – 16:01

+++The Kawikli village of Bab is being shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling Kawiki village in the east of the city of Bab from its base in Sukeriyê village in the east of Bab. So far, 4 rockets have landed in the vicinity of the village.


15th of December 2022 – 13:44

+++A Citizen From A Village Of Kobanê Was Injured By A Bullet Of The Turkish Army+++

A citizen named Fewaz Osê from the village of Boban Biçuk in the west of Kobanê was injured by a bullet from the occupying Turkish army.


15th of December 2022 – 12:55

+++The Village Of Eboş In Til Temir Is Being Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Eboş in Til Temir with artillery shells.


14th of December 2022 – 20:55

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling The M4 Road+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the M4 road and Hoshan village in Eyn Isa district.


14th of December 2022 – 13:55

+++Til El Leben Of Til Temir Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Til El Leben in Til Temir with howitzer ammunition.


14th of December 2022 – 09:01

+++The Invading Army Shelled The Village Of Xalidiyê+++

The occupying Turkish army and mercenaries that night shelled the village of Xalidiyê in the western part of Eyn Îsa district.


14th of December 2022 – 03:50

+++In Minbic, Around 45,000 People Are Under Shelling+++

The invading Turkish army and its mercenaries are daily attacking the villages of Hoşeriye, Refîa, Masî, Toxar Sikhîr, Ewn El Dadat, Mihsinli, Arab Hassan, Um Cilûd, Um Edese, Yaşli, Dendeniye, Camûsiye, Seyade, İlan, Qartwêran, Kawikli, Korhiyuk and Til Torins. In these villages live original residents and immigrants from occupied Jarablus and Bab. According to the latest statistics of the Democratic Civil Administration of Minbic, 44,481 immigrants or 5,670 families live in this villages.


13th of December 2022 – 22:29

+++A Village Of Eyn Îsa And The M4 Road Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Ebû Sira and the M4 road west of Eyn Isa district with heavy weapons.


13th of December 2022 – 21:13

+++The Turkish Army Is Bombing The Positions Of The Regime Forces+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the positions of the Damascus government forces in the village of Kor Eli, west of the city of Kobanê.


13th of December 2022 – 20:08

+++The Turkish Government Attacks A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Til El Leben in the Til Temir district of Hesekê canton with artillery.


13th of December 2022 – 18:40

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling The Villages of Girê Spî+++

The occupying Turkish army is attacking the villages of Zerê, Tepe Xanê, Xanê and Silip Qeran in the west of Girê Spî canton with snipers and bombers.


13th of December 2022 – 13:11

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling A Village In Sherawa District+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Benê with heavy weapons.


12th of December 2022 – 22:39

+++2 Villages Of Sherawa Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish state army is shelling the villages of Zirnait and Meyas in the Sherawa district of the Efrîn canton.


12th of December 2022 – 17:31

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling The Countryside Of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Zormixar and the village of Ahmed Munîr in the west of the city of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


12th of December 2022 – 12:59

+++The Village Of Gozeliyê Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê in Til Temir district, belonging to Hesekê canton.


12th of December 2022 – 10:13

+++Villages East And West of Eyn Îsa Are Shelled+++

The two villages of Mielek and Seyda are in the east of Eyn Isa, and the village of Dibis is in the west of the district are being shelled with heavy weapons and mortars.


11th of December 2022 – 23:53

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling The Vicinity Of Til Rifet district+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the Til Rifet district of Shehba canton.


11th of December 2022 – 23:27

+++Fighter And Reconnaissance Planes Are Hovering Over The Sky Of Shehba+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Şêx Isa in the Shehba region. It was also known that at the same time the reconnaissance and warplanes of the Turkish state are searching the skies of the region.


11th of December 2022 – 22:21

+++The Turkish State Bombs The Countryside Of Shehba+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Semoqa in the Shehba region with heavy weapons.


11th of December 2022 – 20:58

+++The Turkish State Bombs The Village Of Til El Leben In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til El Leben in the Til Temir district of Hesekê canton with howitzers.


11th of December 2022 – 19:56

+++The Turkish Army Shelled Another Village of Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Seyda in Eyn Isa district.


11th of December 2022 – 17:23

+++Attack Against Another Village Of Eyn Îsa+++

​​​​​​​​​The invading Turkish army is shelling the villages of Zormixar, Çarqili, and Ziyaret, which are west of the city of Kobanê, with heavy weapons.


11th of December 2022 – 16:36

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The Villages Of Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Mieleq in Girê Spî. Also, a bomb-laden plane of the Turkish state hit the village of Dibis in the district of Eyn Îsa this afternoon.


11th of December 2022 – 16:06

+++The Invaders Are Attacking The Village Of Benê+++

​​​​​​​​​TThe occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district.


11th of December 2022 – 13:24

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The West of Kobanê+++

​​​​​​​​​The invading Turkish army is shelling the villages of Zormixar, Çarqili, and Ziyaret, which are west of the city of Kobanê, with heavy weapons.


11th of December 2022 – 12:01

+++The Turkish State Is Attacking A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state army is shelling Til El Leben village in Til Temir district with howitzers.


11th of December 2022 – 10:33

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The West of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army shelled the villages west of Kobanê with heavy weapons from their base in Murşid Pinar late last night.


10th of December 2022 – 23:40

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The West of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Carxilî, Zormixar, Şiyûx in the west of Kobanê.


10th of December 2022 – 23:40

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling The West of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Carxilî, Zormixar, Şiyûx in the west of Kobanê.


10th of December 2022 – 21:18

+++Attack Against A Village In Til Temir+++

Tawil village of Til Temir district of Hesekê Canton is being shelled by the occupying Turkish state.


10th of December 2022 – 16:49

+++Turkey Attacks The West Of Eyn Îsa, the M4 And The Eyn Îsa Camp+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are attacking west of Eyn Isa, M4 and Eyn Isa camp with howitzers.


10th of December 2022 – 16:32

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling Gozeliyê village in Til Temir district of Hesekê canton.


10th of December 2022 – 15:08

+++Turkish Drone Bombed Sherawa+++

A kamikaze drone of the occupying Turkish state bombed the villages of Eqîbê and Bênê in Sherawa district of Efrîn canton. Material damage was caused. At the same time, Turkish reconnaissance planes are hovering over Efrîn and Shehba.


10th of December 2022 – 13:54

+++The Invaders Are Bombing The Village of Xalidiyê In Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries shelled the village of Xalidiyê in Eyn Îsa district.


10th of December 2022 – 11:32

+++A Village North of Minbic Is Shelled+++

The village of Seyadê in the north of the city of Minbic is being shelled by the occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries.


9th of December 2022 – 21:57

+++Meyas Village of Sherawa Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army shelled Meyasê village in Sherawa district of Efrîn canton.


9th of December 2022 – 20:33

+++Due To The Attacks, The Communication Tower In Girê Spî Was Out Of Service+++

The communication tower was out of service due to the attacks of the occupying Turkish state on the village of Salûk in Girê Spî. The communication tower was directly targeted in the shelling of the village of Saluk in the southwest of Girê Spî canton, as a result, the internet and communication in the rural area of the canton was cut off.


9th of December 2022 – 18:13

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling Til Leben village in Til Temir district with mortars.


9th of December 2022 – 13:42

+++Two Villages In Kobanê Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Zormixar and Şêxler in the west of Kobanê.


9th of December 2022 – 13:02

+++The Invaders Are Attacking The Villages Of Sherawa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Bênê and Meyasê in the Shêrawa district of Efrîn with heavy weapons.


8th of December 2022 – 22:57

+++Turkey Is Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til Cuma in the district of Til Temir in the canton of Hesekê.


8th of December 2022 – 21:20

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling the Villages of Kobanê, Girê Spî and Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Celebiyê in the southeast of Kobanê, the villages of Zormixar, Şiyûx, Carxili in the west of Kobanê, and the villages of Merc Ismaîl, Çişan, and Qeremox in the east of the city. Also, the villages of Salok in the southwest of Girê Spî, the villages of Hoshan, Dibis in the west of Eyn Îsa district, Fatse village in the east of the district are being shelled. At the same time, the drones of the Turkish state are hovering over Eyn Isa and Sirine districts.


8th of December 2022 – 20:19

+++The Turkish State Is Hitting In the East of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is attacking with heavy weapons around the village of Qeremox and Syria Tel tower in the east of Kobanê.


8th of December 2022 – 19:48

+++Efrîn Villages Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling many villages in the southern part of Efrîn canton. The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Keştiar and the surrounding area of the village of Bênê in the southern (non-occupied) part of Efrîn canton.


8th of December 2022 – 18:37

+++Turkey Attacks The Countryside of Zirgan+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Til El Werd and Xirbet Shiîr in the south of Zirgan district with heavy weapons.


8th of December 2022 – 18:34

+++The Balance Sheet of 19 days of attacks by the Turkish State Against North and East Syria+++

The occupying Turkish state shelled 217 villages and towns in Northern and Eastern Syria from November 19 to December 7 with 60 airstrikes, 7,227 artillery shells, and mortars. As a result, many citizens were martyred and injured. They also caused great damage to the infrastructure of the region.


The invading Turkish state and its mercenaries have been shelling hundreds of villages, places and infrastructure in the region from November 19th until December 7th.

From November 19 to November 23, the Turkish government shelled the region with 47 airstrikes, 3,761 heavy weapons, mortars and tanks.

From November 23 to December 7, the Turkish state targeted 79 villages in the Cizîre region more than 412 times with heavy weapons, 94 mortars, mortars, 13 times with drones and 13 times with warplanes. 41 villages of occupied Shehba and Afrin cantons were shelled with more than 2 thousand 71 cannons, 546 mortars, 21 tank cannons and 350 bombs. In addition, the occupying Turkish state shelled the Euphrates region with more than 287 mortars, 210 artillery pieces, 20 times with tanks, bombs, assassinations, 3 times with drones and BKC and B-7 weapons.


As a result of shelling on Shehba and Afrin cantons, a 9-year-old child and 2 civilians were injured and 3 soldiers of the Syrian Regime forces lost their lives. Material damages were caused to the homes and properties of citizens and many houses were completely destroyed.

In the Euphrates region, the occupying Turkish state targeted and completely destroyed the hospital and mosque in the town of Tirwazi in the Eyn Îsa district. He also completely destroyed the Korona hospital on the peak of Meştenur mountain. 15 soldiers of the Syrian Regime lost their lives and 4 others were injured by the occupying Turkish state in the targeting of Syrian Regime forces in the Euphrates region. In addition, a child named Mijdar Mihemed (12) was injured by the bullets of the occupying Turkish army in the neighborhood of Kaniya Kurdani, east of Kobanê.

In Cizîre region, 13 citizens were martyred and 16 others were injured as a result of the attacks of the Turkish state. As a result of the explosion of a shell, 4 children were injured by the Turkish invasion and its mercenaries in Micbira village of Til Temir district. The occupying Turkish army destroyed the oil stations of Qamishlo canton (Dêrina Qelinga, Xir-Til Hesnak, Meshuq, Ewde, Til Cisir, Eli Qaso, Kerhok, Eli Axa and Tifle), the gas plant of Siwêdi, the electric station of Mizgeft village of Tirbespi district. And the Newroz company in Qamishlo was also shelled. Also, the occupying Turkish state shelled the academy of the Internal Security Forces – Sotoro in the village of Rûtan in the district of Tirbespiyê and the Hol camp where the families of the ISIS gangs are located. The Turkish government shelled with heavy weapons the only bakery in Rabiat village of Zirgan district of Hesekeh Canton, which supplies bread to more than 20 villages and towns in the region.


8th of December 2022 – 17:59

+++The Turkish Government Is Shelling 2 Other Villages of Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Xalidiyê and Dibis in the west of Eyn Îsa district with mortars.


8th of December 2022 – 17:12

+++Attack Against the Village of Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling Fatsa village in the eastern part of Eyn Îsa district.


8th of December 2022 – 16:35

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling the Countryside of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Gozeliyê, Um El Xêr and Mezrea Şiwêş in Til Temir district of Hesekê canton with mortars.


8th of December 2022 – 11:04

+++The Villages Of Til Temir and Girê Spî Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Til Leben in Til Temir and Saluk in the southwest of the occupied Girê Spî city with heavy weaponary.


8th of December 2022 – 09:15

+++In Less Than a Week, 14 Centers And Villages of Zirgan Were Targeted+++

In 6 days, the occupying Turkish state shelled the district, the building of the Internal Security Forces and the People’s Municipality, the villages of Um Hermele, Dada Ebdal, and Bobî, Esadiye, the Ciwan party hall in the north of the district. Also, the villages of Rebiat, Til El Werd, El Sharq fuel station, and the bakery of Rebiat village, which is the only bakery in the region, were shelled with heavy weapons. Eastern villages of the district Shor Rojava and Um El Dibis were also shelled by the occupying Turkish state. Due to the shelling, the houses and properties of the citizens of the targeted areas were damaged. According to a military source, the occupying Turkish state shelled Zirgan district and its villages with more than 87 bombs and medium weapons.


8th of December 2022 – 09:00

+++The Occupying Army Is shelling Two Villages In Sherawa+++

The invading Turkish army is shelling two villages of Meyase and Zirnehît in the Sherawa district of Efrîn canton.


7th of December 2022 – 22:52

+++Attacks Against the Villages of Girê Spî and Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Zormixar and Til Şiîr in Kobanê and the village of Qertel in the west of Girê Spî with howitzers.


7th of December 2022 – 21:27

+++​​​​​​​The Occupying Turkish State Is Hitting A Village In Til Temir +++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling Gozeliyê village in Til Temir district of Hesekê canton with mortars.


7th of December 2022 – 14:20

+++​​​​​​​The Invaders Are Shelling the Villages Of Sherawa and Kobanê+++

According to reports, the occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district of Efrîn. The villages of Zormixar and the hamlets of Ahmed Munir in the west of Kobanê are also being shelled.


7th of December 2022 – 09:30

+++​​​​​​​The Invaders Are Shelling the Center Of Zirgan+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the center of Zirgan district with heavy weapons.


7th of December 2022 – 07:44

+++​​​​​​​’There is a big plan to abduct ISIS members from the Hol camp’+++

Experts on the activities of the terrorist groups stated that the attacks of the occupying Turkish state against the region will give ISIS the opportunity to reorganize itself and enter a new process of terrorism. They also stated that there is a plan to help ISIS families and cells escape.


7th of December 2022 – 02:41

+++SDF commander: Increased Movements On The Frontline At Eyn Îsa+++

The SDF commander Aziz Xirbisan stated that the enemy wants to occupy the center of Eyn Îsa district with these attacks and said that there are daily increasing movements of the invaders in the frontline. Aziz Xirbisan said that the SDF is ready to respond to any attack on the region and stated that the villages are shelled, there are civilians and they are standing by the side of the SDF. Xirbisan also said, that the enemy wants to occupy the villages on the international road. The invading Turkish army recently concentrated its attacks on the villages of Khan, Abdok, Zenbua, Qizeli, Erida, Sileybi, Khirbe Bakr, Dibis, Abu Sira, Hoshan, Jedida, Malikiyeh, Seyda, Misherf, Jahbel, Fatisa, Tirwaziyeh, Sikro. Um El Baramil west of Girê Spî and east and west of Ain Isa. In these attacks, missiles, tanks, cannons, howitzers, bombers and drones are used.


6th of December 2022 – 23:33

+++Attacks On Kobanê Continue+++

The invading Turkish army expanded its attacks on Kobanê and shelled the village of Çişan in the west of the canton, Çarqili, Koran, Xerbisan, and Qeremox in the east of the canton.


6th of December 2022 – 23:02

+++The Invading Forces Are Attacking The Village Of Zirgan+++

The villages of Rebîat, Til Werd, and Xirbe Şeir in the southern district of Zirgan are being shelled with howitzers and mortars. In the attacks, the bakery of the village of Rebîat was targeted, which is the only bakery that provides bread to the villages of the region.


6th of December 2022 – 20:12

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling 2 Villages Of Kobanê With Heavy Weapons+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Cîsan and Gultepe in the east of Kobanê canton with heavy weapons.


6th of December 2022 – 19:07

+++Zirgan And Villages of Til Temir Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the center of Zirgan district and the village of Til Leben in the west of Til Temir district of Hesekeh canton with howitzers.


6th of December 2022 – 16:28

+++Invasion Attacks Continue Against The Region: Sherawa, Efrîn, and Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the village of Xalidiyê, the restaurant of Nexîl and the camp of Eyn Isa, located in the western entrance of Eyn Îsa, and the village of Seyda in the northern part of the district. At the same time, the village of Salûk in the southwest of the city of Girê Spî is being shelled.


6th of December 2022 – 16:03

+++Invasion Attacks Continue Against The Region: Sherawa, Efrîn, and Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Dêrcimêl in the Sherawa district of Efrîn, as well as the village of Seyda and the western countryside of Eyn Isa district.


6th of December 2022 – 15:40

+++A Village In Zirgan Is Shelled With Heavy Weapons+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Xirbet Şiîr in the district of Zirgan. The village under shelling is located in the south of the district and is shelled with heavy weapons and mortars.


6th of December 2022 – 14:40

+++SDF Published the Balance Sheet Of the Occupation Attacks of December 5+++

“The artilleries and tanks of the Turkish occupation continue shelling the areas of north and eastern Syria, targeting civilian homes and facilities and agricultural lands turning them into rubbles, especially in Zarkan, Kobane, and the areas of Al-Shahba’a. The journalists and activists have documented Turkish criminality against the region and its inhabitants.” See the full report in English here.


6th of December 2022 – 14:40

+++A Village In Til Temir Is Shelled With Howitzers+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê in the south of Til Temir district.


6th of December 2022 – 14:23

+++”Avrin Hospital may be out of service within a few hours”+++

An administrator of Avrin Hospital warned that due to the lack of medicine and oxygen, the suspension of ambulances and the interruption of electricity in the hospital, the hospital may be out of service in the next few hours. The government of Damascus continues the embargo on the Shehba canton, preventing the entry of daily supplies, medicine and food. This shows the danger of a human disaster. After the work of service institutions and the continuation of schools in Shehba was stopped due to the lack of diesel, the ambulances of Avrin Hospital were also stopped. Previously, 5 ambulances were working at Avrin Hospital, which received about 600 citizens daily. See the article about it by ANHA here.


6th of December 2022 – 12:03

+++Mortar Attack Against a Village of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til El Leben in Til Temir District of Hesek Canton with mortars.


6th of December 2022 – 11:55

+++​​​​​​In 10 Days, 200 Bombs Rained Down On Eyn Îsa+++

The occupying Turkish state and gangs affiliated with it have been carrying out attacks with heavy weapons against the villages of Eyn Issa district near the war front since 10 days. In total an estimated 200 bombs were fired from the bases of the Turkish occupation in the occupied areas of Girê Spî from November 26 until today.


6th of December 2022 – 10:05

+++​​​​​​The Turkish State Is Shelling a Village in Sherawa+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district south of the occupied canton of Efrîn.


5th of December 2022 – 21:57

+++​​​​​​The Turkish State Is Shelling the Villages of Girê Spî and Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Khan, Kor Hesen and Zenûbiye west of Girê Spî with heavy weapons. They are also shelling the village of Qeremox in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


5th of December 2022 – 19:46

+++​​​​​​The Invaders Are Shelling A Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Şêx Elî in Til Temir district with heavy weapons.


5th of December 2022 – 19:29

+++​​​​​​Villages of Shehba Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Semûqa and Kefer Garis and Şehba Dam in the region of Shehba.


5th of December 2022 – 16:27

+++​​​​​​​An Attempt to Escape From the Hol Camp Was Thwarted+++

Last night, three Syrian and Iraqi women tried to escape from the Hol camp in Hesekeh canton. The Internal Security Forces foiled the escape attempt and increased their security measures. At the moment, there is a heavy fog in the area that the gangs can take advantage of and try to escape.


5th of December 2022 – 16:21

+++The Occupation Attacks Continue On the Villages of Sherawa+++

The shelling of the Turkish occupation on Meyas village in the district of Sherawa started in the morning hours and continues until now.


5th of December 2022 – 14:40

+++The Invaders Are Shelling the Village of Eyn Isa and the M4 Road+++

The occupying army is shelling the village of Abu Sira in the Eyn Isa district and the M4 road with howitzers.


5th of December 2022 – 14:40

+++The Invaders Are Shelling the Village of Eyn Isa and the M4 Road+++

The occupying army is shelling the village of Abu Sira in the Eyn Isa district and the M4 road with howitzers.


5th of December 2022 – 14:25

+++SDF announced the Balance Sheet of the 15th Day of Attacks+++

On the fifteenth day of the Turkish aggression on NE Syria, more than 51 villages, farms, and town centers were subjected to artillery and tank shells, and our fighters thwarted an infiltration attempt by Turkish-backed mercenaries in the village of Um El Kêf, Til Temir. See the full balance sheet in English here.


5th of December 2022 – 14:07

+++The Internal Security Forces Made a Statement Regarding the Explosion in Qamishlo+++

Today (December 5th) at 08:00, a car was targeted with a mine. A terrorist cell planted a mine in the car transporting teachers and employees of the educational institution. As a result of the explosion, material damage was caused and the driver of the car was injured. The driver was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.


5th of December 2022 – 11:58

+++The Reconnaissance Planes of The Occupying Turkish State Are Hovering Over Minbic+++

Over Minbic, there is an increased movement of reconnaissance planes of the occupying Turkish state.


5th of December 2022 – 10:54

+++The Villages of Eyn Îsa and Kobanê Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries shelled the old camp, the M4 road and the Seyda village belonging to Eyn Isa. At the same time, the Turkish government is shelling the villages of Qeremox and Ceşan at the eastern entrance of the city of Kobanê and the villages of Zormixar and Çarxiqli in the west of the city.


5th of December 2022 – 10:25

+++Invaders Are Attacking Two Villages in Sherawa+++

The invading Turkish army shelled the villages of Bênê and Meyasê in the Şêrawa district of Efrîn canton.


5th of December 2022 – 08:54

+++A Car Exploded in Qamishlo+++

A car exploded on Quwetli street in Qamishlo city. The driver is wounded and the car completely damaged.


4th of December 2022 – 21:33

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling the Villages of Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Til El Leben and Um El Kêf in the western part of Til Temir district in the canton of Hesekeh.


4th of December 2022 – 17:33

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Zirgan District+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the Zirgan district of Hesekeh canton with heavy weapons and rockets.


4th of December 2022 – 15:01

+++Shelling and Aircraft Movement in Minbic+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Toxar in the northern countryside of Minbic and the village of Korhiyuk in the western countryside of the city. At the same time, there is the movement of reconnaissance planes over of the region.


4th of December 2022 – 13:42

+++An Invasion Attempt Was Thwarted+++

The invading Turkish army and its mercenaries tried to enter Um El Kêf village in the west of the center of Til Temir district late last night. The fighters of the Military Council of Til Temir defeated the attempt. At the same time, the occupying Turkish army bombarded the center of Zirgan district and the village of Bobî with artillery.


4th of December 2022 – 13:40

+++An Invasion Attempt Was Thwarted+++

The SDF reported the balance sheet about December 3 of the invading Turkish state’s attacks on the region and said that more than 46 villages were targeted. See the full report in English here.


4th of December 2022 – 12:08

+++The Turkish Government is Shelling a Village in Til Temir District+++

The occupying Turkish state attacks the village of Til El Leben in the west of Til Temir near the M4 highway with heavy weapons.


4th of December 2022 – 09:32

+++The Occupying Turkish Army Shelled a Village of Til Temir District+++

The occupying Turkish army and its affiliated gangs are shelling the village of Um El Kêf in the western part of Til Temir district.


4th of December 2022 – 00:19

+++The Occupying Turkish Army Shelled 3 Villages of Til Temir District+++

The occupying Turkish state army is shelling the villages of Gozeliyê, Um El-Kêf and Til Cuma with heavy weapons.


3rd of December 2022 -23:48

+++Attacks Against the Village of Eyn Îsa and M4 with Tanks and Mortars+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Cêshan, Xirabisan, Zormixar and Şêxlera Jorin in Kobanê.


3rd of December 2022 -22:11

+++Attacks Against the Village of Eyn Îsa and M4 with Tanks and Mortars+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Seyda and the M4 road with mortars. Also the village of Cideyde and the Eyn Issa camp are being shelled by tanks.


3rd of December 2022 -20:30

+++A Drone of the Turkish State Hit a Car in Amûde+++

An unmanned drone belonging to the occupying Turkish state hit a car in Sincaqa Şêx village of Amûde district of the canton of Qamishlo.


3rd of December 2022 -20:24

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling a Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling Til Tawil village in Til Temir district with heavy weapons.


3rd of December 2022 -19:05

+++Because of the Embargo, the Residents of Shehba, Şeykhmaqsud, and Ashrafiye (in Aleppo) are in the dark+++

The government of Damascus imposes a heavy embargo on the canton of Shehba. Due to the lack of diesel, the generators that provide electricity are out of service and the electricity has been completely cut off for the residents.


3rd of December 2022 -16:59

+++The Village of Til El Leben, West of Til Temir, Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Til El Leben in the west of the district along the M4 road with heavy weapons.


3rd of December 2022 -16:38

+++The Villages of Kobanê Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Koran and Xerabisan in the west of Kobanê, the villages of Qeremox and Ceşan with artillery shells.


3rd of December 2022 -15:13

+++SDF: On the 13th Day of the Attacks, 83 Places Were Bombed+++

The SDF announced that the occupying Turkish army bombarded 83 places on the 2nd of December, the 13th day of its attacks on the region and a soldier of the Syrian Regime was injured in the attacks. The full balance sheet can be found here in English.


3rd of December 2022 -14:21

+++A Shell of the Turkish Army Exploded in Til Temir: 4 Children Were Injured+++

In the village of El Micêbire in Til Temir, an artillery shell of the occupying Turkish state, which had hit the village earlier, exploded and as a result 4 children were injured. The injured children (between the age of 11 and 15) were taken to Til Temir Search Hospital, then to Hesekeh Hospital.


3rd of December 2022 -13:45

+++The Village of Gozeliyê in the District of Til Temir Is Shelled With Heavy Weapons+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê, located in the southwest of the Til Temir district and opposite the M4 road, with mortars.


3rd of December 2022 -12:41

+++The Occupying Forces Bombarded 3 Places in Eyn Isa+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling the village of Mielek, Camp Eyn Isa and the M4 highway with bombs and mortars.


2nd of December 2022 -23:30

+++The Invaders Are Shelling 3 Places in Eyn Isa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the village of Mielek, the M4 road and the Eyn Isa camp.


2nd of December 2022 -23:15

+++The Occupying Forces Are Shelling 3 Villages in Minbic+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Masî, Toxar, Sexîr and Catê, which are located in the north of the city of Minbic. At the same time, drones of the Turkish state are hovering over the area.


2nd of December 2022 -22:34

+++War Planes and Drones of the Occupying Turkish State Are Flying Over the Euphrates Region+++

At this moment, there is movement of war planes and drones of the occupying Turkish state over the districts of Eyn Isa, Çelebiyê and Pira Qereqozaq in the Euphrates region. At the same time, drones are flying over the city of Kobanê, the district of Sirin and the town of Şiyûx.


2nd of December 2022 -21:15

+++The Turkish State is Attacking The Village of Soxanekê+++

The occupying Turkish state is currently shelling the village of Soxanekê in the Sherawa district of the canton Efrîn.


2nd of December 2022 -19:16

+++The Occupying Army Is Shelling a Village in Girê Spî With Heavy Weapons+++

The occupying Turkish army is attacking the village of Kor Hesen, which is located west of the city of Girê Spî with heavy weapons.


2nd of December 2022 -18:57

+++A Village of Eyn Isa Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Abu Sira in the western part of Eyn Isa district


2nd of December 2022 -17:03

+++The Turkish Army Is Attacking A Base of the Syrian Regime East of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the positions of the Syrian Regime forces in the villages of Zormixar and Siftik, which are in the west of the city of Kobanê.


2nd of December 2022 -14:50

+++Balance Sheet For the Attacks of the Turkish Army on the 1st of December+++

“On the 12th day of the attacks of the Turkish state against North and East Syria, about 70 villages and towns were targeted with heavy weapons and tanks. Also the mosque of the village of was targeted with tank bullets and destroyed.” See the full balance sheet here.


2nd of December 2022 -11:20

+++A Village In Til Temir Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Gozeliyê in Til Temir with artillery shells.


2nd of December 2022 -00:35

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling the West of Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Til Şeir, Ziyaret, Şiyûx Jêrîn, Carxili, Zormixar and the village of Ahmed Munir in the west of the city of Kobanê with heavy weapons. Also, the positions of the Syrian Regime forces in the village of Ziyaret were shelled. Furthermore, the village of Xani in the west of Girê Spî is being shelled by the occupying Turkish state.


1st of Deember 2022 -23:51

+++The Turkish Army Is Attacking A Village of Girê Spî+++

At the same time as the shelling of the village of Eyn Isa, the occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Kor Hasen, El Sewan, Silibiye and Evdikoy in the west of the occupied Girê Spî canton with heavy weapons.


1st of Deember 2022 -23:39

+++The Turkish Army Is Bombing a Village of Eyn Isa With Heavy Weapons And Drones+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Hoshan, Seyda, Cideyda in the west and east of Eyn Issa with heavy weapons. Furthermore, unmanned drones of the occupying Turkish state attacked the area between Eyn Isa and Raqqa twice. Until now, there is movement of drones over the region.


1st of Deember 2022 -22:54

+++A Car Exploded in Minbic+++

A car exploded in the southern part of the city , the explosion took place near the Al Eljani fuel station in Shahidan circle. There was no loss as a result of the explosion, only material damage was caused.


1st of December 2022 – 21:04

+++The Turkish Government Has Shelled a Village in Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Gozeliyê in the southwest of Til Temir district with mortars.


1st of December 2022 – 17:25

+++The Turkish State is Once Again Shelling the Villages of Eyn Isa+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Cideyda and Seyda in Eyn Issa.


1st of December 2022 – 16:01

+++The Turkish Army Destroyed a Mosque in Eyn Isa+++

Last night the invading Turkish army and its mercenaries targeted the village of Tirwaziyeh in the east of Eyn Isa and a base of the Syrian Regime forces in the same area with about 25 tank bullets. Many bullets hit the village mosque and as a result the mosque was destroyed.


1st of December 2022 – 14:58

+++The Invading Army Attacks the Village of Eyn Isa Once Again+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the M4 road, Eyn Isa warehouses, and the eastern countryside of Eyn Isa.


1st of December 2022 – 13:58

+++2 Villages In the East of Eyn Isa Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the villages of Um Beramîl and Sikêro in the east of Eyn Isa from its Abu Nur base in the village of Bir Isa in the east of the district.


1st of December 2022 – 13:19

+++The Invading Army Is Attacking the Villages of Eyn Isa+++

Misherf village in the east of Eyn Isa district was shelled by the occupying Turkish army. About an hour ago, the village of Dibis in the west of the district was shelled by tanks. The next night, a base of Syrian Regime forces was shelled in the village of Tirwazi, around 25 rockets were shot.


1st of December 2022 – 13:01

+++​​​​​​In An Air Attack By the Turkish State, 2 Soldiers of the Syrian Regime Were Injured+++

A kamikaze drone of the occupying Turkish state targeted a point of Syrian Regime forces in Koran village east of Kobanê. According to the initial information, 2 soldiers of the Regime were injured.


1st of December 2022 – 12:48

+++The November 30 Balance Sheet of the Attacks By the Invading Turkish Army+++

The SDF announced that many villages and towns were shelled and their forces responded to the attacks. SDF announced that one of their fighters was martyred and another fighter was injured in the attacks. The full balance sheet in English can be found here.


1st of December 2022 – 11:54

+++The invaders Are Shelling a Village in Til Temir with Mortars+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling Gozeliyê village in the west of Til Temir district with mortars.


30th of November 2022 – 23:15

+++The Turkish State​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Is Attacking The Southern Countryside of Minbic+++

The invaders tried to target the Syrian telephone network tower. The invading Turkish army shelled the hill of Hîmer Labde village in the south of the city from its base in Sikeriyê village. On the hill of the village and around the tower of the Syrian telephone network, many mortars fell but no damage done.


30th of November 2022 – 22:24

+++​​​​​​​​​​The Turkish State Is Shelling the District Of Zirgan, Girê Spî countryside, Til Temir, and Eyn Isa villages+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the district of Zirgan in the canton of Hesekeh, the villages Rebîat, Um El Xêr, Gozeliyê, and Til El Leben villages in the southwest of Til Temir district with heavy weapons. There is furthermore shelling against the villages of Erida, Bir Zinar, Xirbet Baqir, Kor Hasen, and Sewan in the west of Girê Spî, the villages of Hoshan, Seyda, Mieleq and the M4 road in the west of Eyn Isa district. At the same time, there is an increase in the movement of drones of the Turkish state over the region.


30th of November 2022 – 20:51

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling 2 Villages West of Girê Spî+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Bîr Kêtik and Xirbet Baqir in the west of the occupied Girê Spî canton with heavy weapons.


30th of November 2022 – 20:42

+++The Turkish Army Has Shelled 2 Villages in the East of Kobanê, One Village in the West of the City+++

The tanks of the occupying Turkish state are shelling the villages Koran and Xirabisan Jêrîn in the eastern area of the district of Kobanê as well as the village Carxili in the west of Kobanê.


30th of November 2022 – 20:30

+++The Turkish Army Is shelling the Countryside of Sherawa+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district in the region of Efrîn.


30th of November 2022 – 14:35

+++Invasion Attacks And Aircraft Movements Continue In the Region+++

The villages of Jedêda and Mielek and the M4 road in Eyn Isa district are being shelled with mortars. There are also movements of Turkish airplanes and drones over the regions of Efrîn and Shehba.


30th of November 2022 – 13:38

+++The Balance Sheet of the 9th Day of Attacks By the Turkish State+++

The SDF announced the balance sheet of the invading Turkish state’s attacks against North and East Syria for November 28 and November 29. It can be found here.


30th of November 2022 – 10:58

+++The Balance of the Last 24 Hours of Attacks On the Efrîn Region+++

In the last 24 hours, the occupying Turkish state shelled 16 places in Shera and Sherawa districts and Shehba canton with 189 howitzers and mortars. 2 citizens were injured in the attacks in Soxaneke village.


30th of November 2022 – 10:30

+++The Occupying Army Attacks the Efrîn Region Once Again+++

The invading Turkish army and fascist gangs are currently shelling the villages of Meyasê and Birc Qas in the Sherawa district and Tinib village in the Shera district of the occupied Efrîn.


30th of November 2022 – 02:39

+++6 Attempts by Fascist Gangs to Enter Minbic Were Defeated In the Last Week+++

The member of the Command of the Military Council of Minbic, Nûda Rashid, announced that they defeated 6 attempts by the occupying Turkish gangs to enter the villages of Minbic in the time between November 19 and November 27. She emphasized also, that the attacks on the region are continuing.


29th of November 2022 – 23:58

+++Turkish Army Is Shelling a Village in Sherawa+++

Turkish state is shelling the area around the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district of occupied Efrîn.


29th of November 2022 – 22:21

+++Another Village Of Til Temir Is Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Tawîle in Til Temir district with mortars.


29th of November 2022 – 21:27

+++Heavy Attacks On A Village In Zirgan+++

The invaders are shelling the east of Zirgan district with heavy weapons and rockets. It was also reported that shelling of the village of İbrahim Kurdo west of Girê Spî is still ongoing.


29th of November 2022 – 20:27

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling a Village In Girê Spî+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of İbrahim Kurdo west of Girê Spî with heavy weapons.


29th of November 2022 – 19:59

+++Two Turkish-Backed Mercenaries Wounded In Til Temir+++

Til Temir Military Council foiled an attempted infiltration by the Turkish-backed mercenaries in the village of Dibsa, west of Til Temir town. The failed infiltration attempt resulted in two mercenaries being wounded.


29th of November 2022 – 19:09

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling the Villages in the Southern Region of Efrîn+++

The villages of Benê, Soxaneke, Meyasê in the Sherawa district in the region of southern Efrîn are being shelled. 2 civilians were injured as a result of the shelling of Soxaneke village.


29th of November 2022 – 18:59

+++The Turkish State Once Again Bombards the Village of Um El Kêf+++

The occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries are shelling the village in the western countryside of Til Temir with heavy weapons and mortars. In addition, the movement of drones and warplanes continues over the region.


29th of November 2022 – 17:30

+++​​​​​​​​​The Village of Eyn Isa Is Also Under Shelling+++

The villages of Abu Sira and Zenubiya in the west of Eyn Issa district are being shelled by the occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries.


29th of November 2022 – 17:28

+++​​​​​​​​​The Occupying Army Is Also Shelling a Village In Til Temir+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Til Leben in the west of Til Temir district.


29th of November 2022 – 17:27

+++The Invaders Are Shelling 2 Villages in Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the villages of Qeremox and Cîcan in the east of Kobanê.


29th of November 2022 – 16:57

+++2 villages In the East of Zirgan Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Şêx Fatmê and Hamidiyê in the east of Zirgan in Hesekê with heavy weapons.


29th of November 2022 – 12:26

+++Gozeliye village of Til Temir Is Under Attack+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Gozeliyê, which is located in the southwest of the center of Til Temir district and opposite the M4 highway, with heavy weapons.


29th of November 2022 – 12:03

+++Turkey Is Shelling the Surroundings of a Russian Base+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling Feysel’s kitchen (restaurant ) and the surroundings of the Russian military base near Kishtar village in Shera district of Afrin canton with heavy weapons.


29th of November 2022 – 11:42

+++Turkey Is Shelling the Villages of Kobanê with Artillery+++

The Turkish army is shelling the villages of Zormixar and Çarqili, west of Kobanê, and the village of Koran east Kobane. In yesterday’s shelling, the health center in Qeremox village, 18 km to the east of the city, was targeted and the center suffered great damage.


29th of November 2022 – 11:21

+++Turkey Is Attacking the Village of Benê in Efrîn Canton+++

Occupying Turkish army is shelling Bênê village in Şerawa district of Afrin canton. In the last 24 hours, the Turkish army attacked the villages of Afrin and Shehba with 227 cannons.


29th of November 2022 – 09:40

+++Shortages of Gas and Electricity In the Region due to the Occupation Attacks+++​​​​​​​​​

As a result of the shelling of the occupying Turkish state, the gas plant of the village of Siwêdi, which was the main source of gas in North and East Syria and the electricity of the Cizîre region, suffered great damage.


29th of November 2022 – 09:40

+++No Gas and Electricity In the Region due to the Occupation Attacks+++​​​​​​​​​

As a result of the shelling of the occupying Turkish state, the gas plant of the village of Siwêdi, which was the main source of gas in North and East Syria and the electricity of the Cizîre region, suffered great damage.


29th of November 2022 – 00:01

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Shelling Til Rifet, the Villages of Shehba and Sherawa+++​​​​​​​​​

There is movement Turkish warplanes in the sky of the region, while the invaders are shelling the area around Til Rifetê and Bêlûniyê village in the Şehba region. At the same time the occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Bênê in the Shêrawa district of the Efrîn canton.


28th of November 2022 – 22:40

+++The Occupying Turkish State Is Targeting Many Places in Kobanê+++​​​​​​​​​

The village of Qeremox in the east of Kobanê is being shelled. The Turkish government is directly targeting the health center in the village. There are also attacks with heavy weapons against the Meshtenur hill in the south of Kobanê and the village of Ehmed Munir.


28th of November 2022 – 22:27

+++Explosion In Raqqa – Material Damages+++​​​​​​​​​

A mine exploded near Al Hal market in Raqqa city. As a result, material damages have occurred.


28th of November 2022 – 20:52

+++The Turkish state Is Once Again Shelling the Countryside of Kobanê+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish state has once again bombarded the villages west of Kobanê. The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Zormixar, Carxilî, and the village of Ehmed Mûnîr in the west of Kobanê. The Turkish state targets Kobanê’s countryside, cities, and citizens every day.


28th of November 2022 – 19:38

+++A Bombed Airplane Exploded In a Village of Girê Spî+++​​​​​​​​​

The village of Xirbet Baqir in the west of Girê Spî is being shelled with heavy weapons. Also, a bomb-laden plane exploded near the village of Xan in the west of the region. At the same time there is movement of reconnaissance planes over the region.


28th of November 2022 – 18:19

+++The Turkish Army is Shelling the Countryside of Shehba+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the village of Şêx Isa in the Shehba area. In addition, the reconnaissance planes of the Turkish state are hovering over the region.


28th of November 2022 – 17:19

+++The Village Gozeliyê in Til Temir Is Being Shelled+++​​​​​​​​​

At this moment, the occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are once again shelling the village of Gozeliyê in the southwest of Til Temir with heavy weapons.


28th of November 2022 – 14:59

+++Benê Village in Sherawa Was Shelled+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish army shelled the village of Bênê in the Sherawa district in the occupied canton of Efrîn with heavy weapons around 1:30 p.m..


28th of November 2022 – 13:42

+++The November 27 balance sheet of the attacks on North and East Syria+++​​​​​​​​​

The SDF announced the November 27 balance sheet of the invading Turkish state’s attacks on the Northern and Eastern regions of Syria. According to it, more than 90 villages and towns were subjected to ground and aerial shelling. As a result of the attacks, 2 children were injured in the villages of Aqibe in Şerawa and Zormixar in Kobanê. See the full balance sheet here.


28th of November 2022 – 11:15

+++Two villages in Minbic Are Shelled+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Cat and Masi in the northeast of the city of Minbic with howitzers. At the same time, there is a movement of reconnaissance planes in the area between the border defense forces of the Syrian Regime and the countryside of the occupied city of Cerabulus.


28th of November 2022 – 10:33

+++​​​​​​​​Invaders Are Shelling the Village of Gozeliyê in Til Temir+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the village of Gozeliyê in the west of Til Temir, in front of the M4 highway.


28th of November 2022 – 09:28

+++The occupying State fired 545 mortars on the Region of Efrîn Within 24 hours+++​​​​​​​​​

In the last 24 hours, the occupying Turkish army shelled 19 villages in Shera and Sherawa districts within the Şehba canton with 545 mortars. 3 soldiers of the Syrian Regime lost their lives in the shelling of a village in Shera. 7 villages in Shera district, 5 villages in Sherawa district, and 7 villages in Shehba were shelled. At the same time, the warplanes and military scouts of the occupying Turkish state are hovering over the area. The areas that have been shelled are:

  • Shera: Shewarkha Castle, Shewarkha, Merenaz, Alqemiyeh, Tatmarash, Malikiyeh, Tinib warehouses. As a result of shelling on the village of Tinibe, 3 soldiers of the Syrian Regime lost their lives.
  • Sherawa: Meyase, Benê, Soxaneke, Aqibe, and Ziyarat were shelled until the morning hours.
  • Shehba: Ziwan, Khirbat El Shaale, Ain Deqne, Beluniye, Sheikh Isa, Verdiye, Til Madiq. The shelling continued without a break and about 545 rounds of tank bullets, howitzers, and mortars were used.


28th of November 2022 – 09:14

+++​​​​​​​​In the Night the Attacks on the canton Efrîn continued+++​​​​​​​​​

The occupying Turkish army shelled the village of Şêx Isa in the canton of Şehba and the village of Bênê in the Şerawa district of the occupied Afrin canton in the night. The occupying Turkish army shelled the two mentioned villages with heavy weapons at around 01:00. Also warplanes were flying over the area.


28th of November 2022 – 00:30

+++​​​​​​​​​Turkey Is Shelling the Refugees Camp in Eyn Îsa and Surroundings of Til Rifat+++​​​​​​​​​

Turkey is shelling Eyn Îsa camp in the west of Eyn Îsa district with heavy weapons. At the same time Til Rifat district of Şehba canton is being shelled.


27th of November 2022 – 23:51

+++​​​​​​​​​Turkish State Is Shelling 3 Villages of Girê Spî and Planes Are Flying Over the Region.+++

The Turkish occupation forces shell the villages of Erida, Zenûbiya and Korhesen west of the town of Girê Spî. At the same time, reconnaissance and warplanes fly over the area.


27th of November 2022 – 22:30

+++​​​​​​​​​The occupying Turkish State Is Shelling a Village in Sherawa+++

The Turkish army is shelling the village of Benê in the Şerawa district within the Afrin canton with heavy weapons. At the same time, drones of the occupying Turkish state are hovering in the sky of the city of Minbic.


27th of November 2022 – 21:42

+++The Turkish State Is Shelling the East and West of Kobanê+++

The soldiers of the occupying Turkish state are targeting the villages of Xerib in the east of Kobanê and Carixli in the west of the city. The Turkish state is furthermore shelling the villages of Ceshan, Qeremox, Xerbisan in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


27th of November 2022 – 21:26

+++Attacks On the Countryside of Girê Spî+++

The villages of Qezeli, Korhesen, Selibi and Shirketa Kobanê in the west of the Girê Spî canton are heavily shelled.


27th of November 2022 – 20:42

+++The Occupying Turkish Army Is Shelling the Countryside of Efrîn+++

The occupying Turkish state is shelling the villages of Soxanek, Meyas, Zirneit in the Şerawa district of the Afrin canton. It was also stated that warplanes and reconnaissance planes are hovering over the skies of Shehba and Efrîn regions.


27th of November 2022 – 20:09

+++Turkish Soldiers Are Shooting At Two Villages in Dirbêsyê+++

Soldiers of the Turkish occupation army are shooting with bullets from the border between northern Kurdistan and western Kurdistan, they target the villages of Til Tishrin and Baba Mahmud of Dirbêsiyê in the region of Hesekê.


27th of November 2022 – 18:20

+++Neighbourhoods of Kaniya Kurdani and Mezreya Dawood in Kobanê Are Being Attacked+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the neighborhood of Kaniya Kurdani and Mezreya Dawood in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


27th of November 2022 – 17:32

+++The Turkish Army Was Targeting a Convoy of Russian Forces+++

A convoy of Russian forces from Til Juma village in the district of Til Temir went to Til Gerabit village, to deliver logistics materials to the Damascus government forces in the same village. The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries immediately targeted the convoy and forced them to withdraw and it could not reach the positions of the Damascus government forces. There was no damage to the convoy. This is the first time that Russian forces are being targeted by the occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries in Til Temir. But the surroundings of the Russian bases in the region were shelled many times.


27th of November 2022 – 17:19

+++The Turkish Invasion Army Is Shelling Shera, 3 Soldiers of the Syrian Regime Killed+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the village of Tinibe in the Shera district of Efrîn, as a result of which 3 soldiers of the Damascus government lost their lives.


27th of November 2022 – 16:09

+++The Turkish Invasion Army Is Bombing Til Temir+++

The Turkish army is shelling Gozeliyê and Til El Leben in the southwest of Til Temir along the M4 road. At the same time, the Assyrian village of Til Tawil, west of Til Temir, is shelled.


27th of November 2022 – 14:55

+++The Turkish Invasion Army Is Shelling 3 Villages in Zirgan Countryside+++

The occupying Turkish army is shelling the villages of Um Heremlê, Dad Abdal, and Bobî in the north of Zirgan district with heavy weapons.


27th of November 2022 – 14:45

+++Heavy Shelling of 3 Villages in West and East Kobanê+++

The invaders are heavily shelling mortars at three villages in the western and eastern countryside of Kobanê. The villages of Xerbîsan, Qeremox in the east of Kobanê city, and Çariqli village in the west of the city are being shelled by the occupying Turkish army with tank bullets and mortars.


27th of November 2022 – 14:45

+++The Turkish Army Wounded A Child in Kobanê+++

The occupying Turkish army shot and wounded a child named Mecdar Mihemed (12) in Kaniya Kurdani neighborhood, east of Kobanê city. The injured child was taken to the city hospital.


27th of November 2022 – 14:45

+++Turkish Army Attacks in Minbic+++

The occupying Turkish army and its mercenaries are shelling the villages of Seyda and Yalinli in the west of the city of Minbic. The invaders are shelling the two mentioned villages from their base in the village of Sheikh Nasir in the southwest of the occupied city of Cerablus. A source from the Minbic Military Council stated that the invaders are shelling these villages with artillery shells.


27th of November 2022 – 14:00

+++Two Villages In Kobanê Are Shelled+++

The occupying Turkish army is currently shelling the village of Zormixar and the village of Ahmed Munir in the western countryside of Kobanê with heavy weapons.


27th of November 2022 – 10:00

+++Bilance Sheet for 26th of November+++

  • The region of Firat was 311 shells, 117 mortars, and 5 tank bullets, while in the village of Til Madîq in the region of Shehba the Jihadist gangs attempted an attack. Turkish warplanes bombed the villages of Şewarxa and Meni
  • Girê Spî: The villages of Evdok, Dibis, Hoshan, Khan, Qertel, and Ein Isa camp were shelled with mortars.
  • Eyn Isa: The village of Fatisa was shelled with 5 mortars.
  • Minbic: The villages of Qart Waran, Toxar, and Alhamam mountain were shelled with 11 mortars.
  • Tirwaziye: The towns of Umm El Beramil and Kentari were shelled with 6 tank bullets.


27th of November 2022 – 10:19

+++Turkish State Attacked the Villages of Shera and Shehba+++
Last night Turkey attacked Minix airport and a number of other villages in Şera district and Şehba canton with fighter planes and heavy weapons.

Turkish occupation state’s warplanes bombed Şewarxa village in Shera district in occupied Afrin last night. The occupation state’s warplanes also bombed Minix airport in Şehbay canton and Merenaz village in Şera district. Around 02:30, the Turkish occupation state shelled the village of Bêlûniyê in Şehba Canton with heavy weapons.


26th of November 2022 – 00:00

+++ The Turkish Army Is Attacking Villages in the Vicinity of Girê Spî+++

Soldiers of the Turkish occupation army are attacking the villages Xan, Evdik, and Qertel in the west of Girê Spî with heavy weapons.


26th of November 2022 – 23:30

+++ A Village of Amûdê was attacked by bullets+++

Soldiers of the Turkish occupation army are shooting at the village of Cirnik in the western area of Amûdê in the canton Qamişlo from the other side of the border, Northern Kurdistan.


26th of November 2022 – 22:30

+++ Turkey is Shelling Villages of Til Temir, Shehba and the region of Shera+++

The Turkish occupation army is shelling the villages Til Tawîl, Um El Xêr, Şêx Elî, and Derdara in the area of Til Temir in the canton Hesekê. At the same time the region of Shehba is bombed in the area of Til Rifet, the villages Tatmeraş, Tinib, Merenaz, Elqemiyê, Malikiyê and Şewarxa in the area of Şera in the region Efrîn.


26th of November 2022 – 19:30

+++ Turkey is Attacking Villages of Kobanê+++

The Turkish occupation army is shelling the villages Xerab Eto and Zormexar in the west of Kobanê.


26th of November 2022 – 17:00

+++ Turkey is Attacking 3 Villages in the north and west of Til Temir+++

The Turkish army is bombing the villages of Til El Leben in the southwest of Til Temir in the direction of the M4, the villages of Ebreş and Şêx Elî in the north of the region with heavy weaponry.


26th of November 2022 – 16:00

+++ Turkey is Attacking Again Villages in Dêrik+++

The Turkish occupation army is attacking the village of Eyn Dîwar connected to the region of Dêrik with heavy artillery. In the airspace of Dêrik there are movements of warplanes as well.


26th of November 2022 – 13:36

+++ Turkey is shelling 3 villages in Til Temir and 1 village in Minbic+++

Turkish occupation army shells Yalinli village in the west of Minbic from its base in Şêx Nasir village in the southwest of the occupied city of Cerablus.

In Til Temir, the village of Güzeliyê southwest of Til Temir district, across the M4 road, and the villages of Şeykh Ali and Dirdara in the north of the district are shelled with heavy weapons.


26th of November 2022 – 13:23

+++Turkish occupation army Attacks Village of Benê in Sherawa+++

Turkish occupation army shelled Benê village in Sherawa district in Afrin.


26th of November 2022 – 12:30

+++The Turkish Army Is Attacking Two Villages in Dêrik+++

The Turkish occupational army is shelling with heavy weapons the villages Zuhêriyê and Xirab Reşkê in the area of Berav connected to the region of Dêrik inside the canton of Qamişlo.


26th of November 2022 – 11:45

+++Attacks On the Canton of Efrîn Are Continuing+++

 The Turkish occupational army and the Jihadist groups connected to it are shelling the village of Şewarxa connected to Shera in the canton of Efrîn.


26th of November 2022 – 11:30

+++Attacks On a Headquarter of the International Coalition Yesterday Night+++

Yesterday evening two rockets were targeting the headquarter of the International Coalition in the region of Shedadeh in Hesekeh. According to SOHR (Syrian Human Rights Watch) groups that are supported by the Iranian regime are behind this attack. There were no damages.


26th of November 2022 – 10:45

+++The Turkish Army Attacked Villages around Til Temir In the Night +++

The Turkish occupator’s army attacked around 01:00 in the night the village Um El Kêf in the western countryside of Til Temir with heavy artillery. At the same time the village of Seyda in the northern countryside of the area Eyn Îsa and the Kamp in its west with heavy machine guns. In the region of Shêrawa in the canton of Efrîn the Turkish occupational army shelled the village Bênê.


26th of November 2022 – 10:30

+++Shellings of the Village of Elqemiyê in the region of Shera+++

The village of Elqemiyê in Şera is being shelled with mortars.


26th of November 2022 – 10:30

+++Balance Sheet of the Last 24 hours About the Attacks on Efrîn and Shehba +++

The Turkish occupational army was heavily bombing the villages of the regions of Shera and Shêrawa in the canton of occupied Efrîn and the canton of Shehba where refugees from Efrîn are staying. 12 villages in Shehba were attacked: the central areas of Til Rifet, Zîwan, Semûqa, Balafirgeha Minix, Bêlûniyê, Til Cîcan, Til Enab, Şêx Îsa, Eyn Deqnê, Um Hoş, Nêrebiyê, Ehrez. In the region of Shêrawa 7 villages and other places were shelled: Dêr Cimêl, Meyasê, a forest of Soxanekê, Soxanekê, Qinêtirê, Bênê, and around Bênê. Also, 8 villages in the region of Shera were bombed with shelling: Malikiyê, Elqemiyê, Tat Maraş, Merenaz, Tinib, Îrşadiyê, the depots of Şewarxa, Keleha Şewarxa. In total the Turkish occupational army used 795 missiles, mortars, and tank bullets. There was material damage as a result of the attacks. The shelling of this area is continuing and armed drones are hovering over the region.


26th of November 2022 – 01:00

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Girê Miştenûr and Villages of Kobanê+++

The villages of Til Şiîr, Korelî, Çarqelî, Zormixar, and Xereb Eto in the west of Kobanê and the village Qeremox inits east and Girê Miştenûrê in the south of the city are being shelled by the Turkish occupational army.


26th of November 2022 – 00:00

+++Three Explosions In Shedadeh in the Region of Hesekeh+++

The source of the explosion was not clarified yet.


25th of November 2022 – 23:00

+++Daesh/ISIS families had escaped from Al-Hol camp and were caught again+++

While drones of the Turkish occupier state are continuing to fly over the Al-Hol camp, some ISIS families managed to escape from the camp. After a short time, they were caught again by the SDF forces. The Turkish state is trying to help ISIS families escape from the Al-Hol camp. On the 23rd of November, it was also bombing the security forces that are guarding the camp. As a result, 8 fighters of the SDF were martyred.


25th of November 2022 – 23:00

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Villages in Shehba and Shera+++

The villages Samûqa in the canton Shehba and the village Tinibê in the region of Shera in the canton Efrînê are being shelled by the Turkish occupying army.


25th of November 2022 – 23:00

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling Villages in Eyn Îsa and Girê Spî+++

The Turkish occupational army is bombing the villages of Seyda, Hoşan, the camp Eyn Îsa, the highway M4 in the region of Eyn Îsay, and the village Evdik in the canton of Girê Spî. At the same time, drones are circling over the area.


25th of November 2022 – 21:45

+++The Turkish Army Is Shelling 3 Villages in the Region of Til Temir+++

The Turkish occupational army is bombing the village Dirdara lying in the northern region of Til Temir, and the villages Til Tewîl and Tewîla in the west of the region Til Temir with heavy weaponry. At the same time, drones are hovering over the area.


25th of November 2022 – 20:30

+++The Turkish Army Is Bombing Villages in the Region of Sherawa+++

The Turkish occupational army is bombing the villages Bênê, Meyase, Soxanekê, and Herşa Soxanekê in the region of Shêrawa in the canton Efrîn.


25th of November 2022 – 19:00

+++The Village of Gozeliyê in the Area of Til Temir Is Bombed+++

The Turkish occupational army is bombing the village of Gozeliyê in the southwest of Til Temir.


25th of November 2022 – 18:45

+++The Occupying Turkish Army Is Shelling Villages In Shehba+++

The Turkish occupational army is bombing the village of Miniqê, the airport Miniqê and around Til Rifet in the region of Shehba.


25th of November 2022 – 17:45

+++The Occupier Attacks the Villages of Minbic+++

The Turkish occupational army and its Jihadist mercenaries are shelling the villages Seyada and Kawkilî in the west of Minbic. At the same time, drones are flying over the area. The Military Council of Minbic states that the shelling came from military bases in the village of Zerzûr east of the city of Bab and a base in the village of Shêx Nasir in the southwest of the city of Cerablûs.


25th of November 2022 – 15:45

+++SDF Published the Balance Sheet On the Attacks of the Turkish State for the 24th of November+++

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) informed that the Turkish state is continuing its attacks on the region of North and East Syria, especially on civil areas and infrastructure of the region.

“The attacks of the Turkish occupier on the regions of North and East Syria are continuing, especially civilian areas and the infrastructure of the region became a target. The crimes against humanity that the occupying force committed were documented with video footage. The offenses that are happening against our people and our earth, have to be internationally investigated.”

See the full statement here.


25th of November 2022 – 15:00

+++The Turkis Occupier State Is Shelling 2 Villages of Kobane+++

The Turkish army is attacking from its headquarters the villages of Zormexar in the west and the village Koran in the east of Kobanê with heavy weapons. The attacks are still continuing.


25th of November 2022 – 12:30

+++Attacks on Kobane, Eyn Îsa, and the M4 road+++

The Turkish occupation state is attacking the villages of Ziyaret in the east of Kobane with heavy weapons from its headquarters close to the city of Jarabulus. At the same time, it is known that the village of Seyda in the west of the region of Eyn Îsa, the road M4, and the western countryside of Eyn Îsa were bombed with heavy weapons by the Turkish state. According to the eyewitnesses on the ground, the shelling is continuing at the moment. There was no news about damages connected with the shellings.


25th of November 2022 – 12:30

+++Bombing of Shehba+++

The Turkish occupation state is shelling the villages of Hirbil and Semoqa in the region of Shehba. There is no news connected to the damages yet.


25th of November 2022 – 10:00

+++Balance sheet of the last 24 hours for the region Efrîn and Shehba+++
The Turkish occupation state continued its attacks on the region without a break: The villages in the regions of Shera, Merenaz, Malikiyê, Tinnib, Tatmeraş, Kişteaar, Alqemiyê were shelled. The villages in the region of Shêrawa Tepê Meyasê, the hill between Meyasê and Birc Qasê, Hirşê Sixonekê, Geliyê Aqîbê, Bênê, Dêrcimêl, Ziyaret were shelled. Also, the villages in the regions of Shehba Til Madîq, between Hesacêk and Samûqa, Til Cîcan, Samûqa, Til Aneb, Bêlûniyê, Ayn Deqnê, Ser Riya Hirbilê, Til Rifet, Şêx Îsa, Zîwan and the airport of Minnix were bombed. The amount of ammunition that was fired at the region: in total 965 mortars, rockets, and tank bullets were fired by the Turkish state army, and material damage resulted from them. Until now the bombings are continuing and reconnaissance airplanes are circling over the area.


25th of November 2022 – 09:00

+++Bombings With Heavy Artillery of Villages in the Region of Zirgan+++

The occupying Turkish state army is since 8 o’clock in the morning bombing the villages Dada Ebdal and Bobî in the region of Zirgan with heavy weapons. In the night around 1.33 a.m., the village Bêlûniyê in the canton of Shehba was bombed. There is no further news on attacks during the night.