Kongra Star statement on the uprisings in Rojhilat

We must fight hand in hand all over the world until we destroy patriarchy, capitalism and fascism!

From Rojava and North and East Syria, we salute the struggle of the women and all the people who have been on the streets in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran every day for more than a week, rebelling against oppression and violence.

Demonstrations in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran against the brutal murder of Jina Amini by a misogynist system have led to uprisings against the oppressive Iranian regime. The death of Jina Amini was the spark that ignited the fire of people’s anger which had been smouldering for years, turning it into a blazing demand for freedom. This popular uprising began in Kurdistan and became a mass uprising for democracy and freedom throughout Iran.

It is not the first time that there have been protests against the Iranian regime, but this time the people, led by women, are demanding the freedom of women and the democratization of Iran. Women as the vanguard define the colors of the resistance, making a statement with their courage, anger and creativity and carrying the population along with them. The actions of the women who cut off their hair, burn their headscarves, dance in public and climb onto cars and walls are revolutionary. With these actions, they are leading the way and giving courage and morale to all freedom-loving people in the East, in Iran, in Kurdistan and around the world.

As we know, control over women’s bodies and the subjugation of women are essential for the Iranian regime. One of the main pillars of the Iranian regime and their power apparatus is the oppression of women, and this uprising is directed against that oppression. Women’s freedom is at the center of the people’s demands. The Iranian people, the Kurdish people and especially women reject the ruling Iranian system, and shake its very foundations with the slogan “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî”: ‘Women, Life, Freedom’. As the leader of the people Abdullah Öcalan stated, “Society will never be free unless women are free”, and the people of Kurdistan and Iran have embarked on the march for the freedom of women and all people.

Women’s resistance, women’s hair, women’s anger, and women’s freedom are a great threat to the Iranian regime. For more than forty years, the Iranian regime has oppressed the people and rejected change and transformation, which is why it attacks the popular uprisings with such great violence. Iran does not want change, but tries to smother the fire of revolution by discussing reforms or small changes. But history has shown that this is impossible. There can be no reforms, because this system is built on a foundation of the oppression of women and society, so change can only come through its destruction.

Since the beginning of the uprising, more than 50 people have been killed by Iranian forces and an as yet unknown number have been injured and detained. Especially the women who are leading this rebellion are being targeted, arrested and killed – they are trying to silence women. Despite the pressure and attacks on the uprising population, they continue to demonstrate with determination and courage, shaking the foundations of the system.

We strongly condemn the Iranian regime for the murder of Jina Amini, for attacking the demonstrations and committing violence against the people. The regime tries to intimidate people through force, it tries to silence people by shutting down the Internet, trying to cut the people off from support. But people’s sacrifice, courage and resistance have had a great impact, and everyone should watch them, listen to them and fight alongside them.

We remember all those who sacrificed their lives for freedom; we must make their wishes for liberation come true. We call on all women, all freedom-loving and democratic organizations and individuals to join and support the resistance from everywhere. Their struggle is our struggle. The freedom of one woman is the freedom of all women, we must fight hand in hand all over the world until we destroy patriarchy, capitalism and fascism.

Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!

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